Stop wasting hours creating flashcards manually! Our AI does the work for you, saving up to 10 hours per week while helping you achieve better grades.
87% better grades for our dedicated students
Our AI does the heavy lifting so you can focus on what matters - learning efficiently. Students report saving up to 10 hours per week with our system.
Simply upload your lecture slides, textbooks, or notes. Our system handles a lot of file types and extracts the key information instantly.
Try for freeOur advanced AI analyzes your content and creates scientifically optimized flashcards that target exactly what you need to learn. No more wasted time creating cards manually.
See the magicStudy smarter with our interactive quiz system. Test your knowledge, track your progress, and focus on what you need to learn most. Perfect for quick study sessions between classes.
Start learning nowMiguel S.
Computer Science
"This app has completely changed how I study. I save so much time!"
Aisha M.
"I've learned more in one week than in the entire semester!"
Nguyen R.
"I love the quality. The flashcards are really relevant!"
Li Wei
"Perfect for complex mathematical concepts!"
Tomas B.
"The SwishFlash-generated flashcards are amazingly good!"
Sofia K.
Data Science
"Creates answers to questions very quickly and the layout is great!"
Priya W.
"Easy to use and very effective!"
Miguel S.
Computer Science
"This app has completely changed how I study. I save so much time!"
Aisha M.
"I've learned more in one week than in the entire semester!"
Nguyen R.
"I love the quality. The flashcards are really relevant!"
Li Wei
"Perfect for complex mathematical concepts!"
Tomas B.
"The SwishFlash-generated flashcards are amazingly good!"
Sofia K.
Data Science
"Creates answers to questions very quickly and the layout is great!"
Priya W.
"Easy to use and very effective!"
Jamal H.
International Relations
"Finally a learning app that actually works!"
Keiko S.
"The app helped me overcome my exam anxiety."
Fatima R.
Artificial Intelligence
"The summaries are precise and helpful. Exactly what I needed!"
Elena L.
"The best learning app I've ever used!"
Diego M.
Quantum Physics
"Helps me with complex formulas and calculations!"
Victor L.
"Super fast, precise and well thought out, perfect!"
Hiroshi K.
"Helps me tremendously in preparing for my exams!"
Jamal H.
International Relations
"Finally a learning app that actually works!"
Keiko S.
"The app helped me overcome my exam anxiety."
Fatima R.
Artificial Intelligence
"The summaries are precise and helpful. Exactly what I needed!"
Elena L.
"The best learning app I've ever used!"
Diego M.
Quantum Physics
"Helps me with complex formulas and calculations!"
Victor L.
"Super fast, precise and well thought out, perfect!"
Hiroshi K.
"Helps me tremendously in preparing for my exams!"
Chen M.
"I tried it out, it's a miracle!"
Maria G.
Environmental Science
"It was super fast and saved me a lot of time!"
Juan M.
Cognitive Science
"My grades have improved significantly since I started using this app!"
Layla W.
"Perfect for exam preparation. Really helped me a lot!"
Devi T.
Machine Learning
"You guys are simply brilliant 😊 You're saving my life!"
Sanjay K.
Molecular Biology
"Everything is perfect, this app is fantastic."
Mei S.
"The content is scientifically accurate and well structured."
Chen M.
"I tried it out, it's a miracle!"
Maria G.
Environmental Science
"It was super fast and saved me a lot of time!"
Juan M.
Cognitive Science
"My grades have improved significantly since I started using this app!"
Layla W.
"Perfect for exam preparation. Really helped me a lot!"
Devi T.
Machine Learning
"You guys are simply brilliant 😊 You're saving my life!"
Sanjay K.
Molecular Biology
"Everything is perfect, this app is fantastic."
Mei S.
"The content is scientifically accurate and well structured."
The numbers speak for themselves. Discover how SwishFlash revolutionizes learning performance and saves time.
Our users report an average of 87% better grades after just 4 weeks of regular use.
Students save an average of 9.2 hours per week through automatically generated flashcards.
Our AI has already created thousands of optimized study cards for students.
94% of our users would recommend SwishFlash to their fellow students.
Start for free and see the results yourself. Our AI-powered flashcards will revolutionize your learning journey and save you countless hours of study time.
Questions about pricing? We're here to help.
Contact our team →Our advanced AI analyzes your uploaded documents and identifies key concepts, relationships, and testing points. It automatically creates optimized question-answer pairs based on proven learning science. You can customize these cards or use them as-is.
While SwishFlash excels at generating flashcards, there are some current AI limitations to consider: 1) The AI may occasionally make errors, so we recommend reviewing generated flashcards, 2) While we can handle most diagrams, images without accompanying text may need manual processing, 3) Complex mathematical equations and formulas might require additional attention. We're constantly improving our platform and welcome your feedback to enhance the learning experience.
With the free plan, you can create one deck with up to 100 flashcards. With our Premium plans, you get unlimited decks and cards, and also priority AI processing.
Absolutely! Our users report saving up to 10 hours per week on average. Creating effective flashcards manually is extremely time-consuming. Our AI does this work for you in seconds, while ensuring the cards follow optimal learning principles.
Creating flashcards manually takes hours of your valuable time each week. SwishFlash eliminates this burden by automatically generating high-quality flashcards, giving you more time to focus on actual learning.
While other flashcard tools only provide a platform for studying, they leave you with the time-consuming task of creating cards yourself. SwishFlash takes care of the entire process - from automatically generating optimized flashcards to providing a complete learning experience. We combine AI-powered card creation with proven study techniques to offer a truly comprehensive learning solution.
Yes! Your flashcards sync automatically across all your devices. Study on your computer, phone, or tablet - anytime, anywhere.